Saturday, May 11, 2013


Allie thought this was a hipster picture.

 For some reason this is Emmy's natural pose. 
 And for some reason, these two always do this.
 Emren you stink at taking in-focus pictures... :)

 Babin' it up.
 I don't think we'll ever know.


 (Thanks Emren you're the best!)


 Yiiiiiikes. Do I look like Grandma Ethel or what?

 Wait... Are you VL?

 The Grudge. 
 Our babies. 
 Hi, Karim.

Look how much we love each other. 

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Go to the barn, gosh darn.

If you want a mediocre snowie. (Sorry. Had to say it.)
But do go if you have these goons with you,
especially if they are fighting over a certain boy.
(Who shall remain nameless.)

 Such jealousy

 LOLLLLLL (that is really what she was saying)

 Hey, hay is on your butt. Hey hay.