Friday, August 2, 2013

The perfect day.

Today I finally got to ride! Ah! Let me tell you, I was exploding with happiness the entire time. And I had been looking forward to this literally all summer. Highlight for sure.

It was in the middle of nowhere, but the drive was beautifulllllll. In fact I love being in the middle of nowhere. 

But then we got there... and the lady hadn't booked us. I was like heck no no way this is happening. So we waited for an hour. 

 Decided to drive down to Moon Lake and... 
got stuck in the sand. Luckily the 3 Nephites were nearby with a tow strap and towed us out. Embarrassing. To say the least. (But such a typical papa farns move...)

But we finalllly gots to riding. And oh man. It was wonderful! Glorious! Beautiful! Blissful! I could stay on that horse forever.

 Max, Papa, and Kay


So it was a success after all. And ummm there were some cows on the road. Look at him lookin at us...


  1. bahhhhh jen i am seriously so jealous... like its ridiculous

    1. haha! don't be! you have your own horse you can ride whenever you want... that makes me jealous beyond words! :) plus we can do this together next summah
