Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Church is just the best. Lately I've been having the best Sacrament meetings, just revelation pouring in, and there is nothing in this whole world better than that.

Some cool things I've gathered:
A line from our Sacrament meeting hymn said, "And be constant unto Me, that thy Savior I may be." It just hit me like woah. If I want to be saved everyday - from the big things and the little things - I need to be constantly trying to be close to my Savior. It's awful to think that Christ died for us for nothing if we aren't close to Him. We can't access any part of the Atonement if we're just floating by. We're not letting the Savior help us if we don't act like He is our real Brother, which He is, and always will be - and He wants us to realize that, so He can help us. Otherwise He went through all that agony for nothing.

Another thing. "Faith unto repentance." I don't know how many times I've read that in the scriptures, but in one of the talks they said that and I was like hey what! Haha. It's never occurred to me that a person of great faith is also a great repenter. In fact, if you're really faith filled, you repent every chance you get - you do it more than anyone. It's like a natural step after gaining faith, is to repent. Repentance is great everybody, it really is. It demonstrates just how much faith you have! I feel bad for repentance, I feel like sometimes it has a bad connotation. But it should definitely have the same connotations as faith does. Repentance is a sign of your worthiness, not of your weakness.

God is good.

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